
Quick Breads.



Baked products that are leavened chemically. Chemical leaveners, such as baking powder or baking soda, begin leavening more quickly so preparation time for these products is shorter.


Dough vs Batter.

Dough is a mixture of flour, liquid, and other ingredients that is stiff enough to form into shapes for baking things like biscuits and scones.

Batter is a mixture of flour and liquid, but the proportion of liquid is greater which makes it more pourable for making things like muffins, pancakes, and waffles.


It is soft texture, light, and tender. It is typically high in moisture and often made with low gluten flour. It contains a good amount of shortening, which helps create a tender product.

Mixing Methods.

Biscuit method

  1. Combine dry ingredients

  2. Cut in fat until there are crumbs

  3. Liquid ingredients are mixed in only long enough to combine with the other ingredients

    Creaming Method

    1. Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy

    2. Add eggs

    3. Add sifted dry ingredients gradually

    Muffin Method

    1. Mix dry ingredients

  4. Stir in wet ingredients

  5. Mix only until combined; batter will be lumpy

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Yeast Breads.



How to activate dry yeast- Mix together lukewarm water, sugar and yeast, stirring vigorously to ensure the yeast is fully dissolved. Cover, and set aside in a warm place for 5 to 10 minutes. Once froth forms on top, your yeast is activated and ready to use.


Stages of yeast bread.

  1. Kneading- repeatedly folding and pressing the dough after it is mixed to develop gluten

  2. Fermentation- Yeast consumes carbohydrates found in flour, sugar, and other ingredients and then releases alcohol and carbon dioxide

  3. Punching- allows carbon dioxide gas to be released and allows the dough to ferment a second time

  4. Proofing- Allowing the dough to rise after it is shaped and before it is baked

  5. Docking- cutting small slashes in the surface of the risen dough


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